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Musings on a day of dolphin watching

Ask me if the thought of waking up at 5 am on a Monday morning for my corporate job excites me and I will pretend I am hard of hearing or might just ignore you or stare at you with a blank expression or worse still, judge you for even asking me that question.

Instead, if you were the guide who was taking me on the boat to go dolphin watching in Lovina Beach in North Bali and instructing me to be ready by 5am for it; I wouldn’t miss a single word that you would be saying.

Combing the ocean wide-eyed with concentration levels upwards of 200%, I was making sure I didn’t miss any opportunity to catch a glimpse of this intelligent mammal. So much for my excitement levels, these mammals decided to be coy and not reveal too much of themselves on that fine morning. I wondered if these creatures had some kind of awareness that every morning a bunch of Homo sapiens hover above their habitat to watch them.

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Lovina Beach, North Bali

(My husband decided to sit in front of the boat unaware that he ended up posing for this shot I took)

“Too windy” were the words muttered by our guide as the usual number of dolphin sightings weren’t happening. And so, with a partial contentment we headed back on a rickety boat, strong winds rocking it from side to side and no sign of life jackets.

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Sunrise at Lovina Beach, Bali

Sunrise at Lovina beach, Bali

(The beautiful sunrise deserves a visual in the article- clicked by me)

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